Solar Eclipse Witchcraft: Easy Spells & Rituals for Beginners!

Solar Eclipse Witchcraft: Easy Rituals for Manifestation

Okay, so I’ve been seeing all this buzz about using the solar eclipse for some serious witchcraft, and I gotta say, I was intrigued. I’ve always been drawn to the power of celestial events, and a solar eclipse? That’s like, the Super Bowl of celestial events. So, I decided to give it a shot and document the whole shebang.

Getting Ready

First things first, I needed to figure out what I wanted to manifest. This eclipse felt BIG, so I didn’t want to waste it on something small. After some serious soul-searching (and a couple cups of herbal tea), I decided to focus on breaking through some creative blocks I’ve been having. I’m a writer, and lately, the words just haven’t been flowing.

Next up, gathering my supplies. I kept it pretty simple:

  • A white candle: For clarity and new beginnings.
  • A piece of citrine: I love citrine for its energizing and creativity-boosting properties.
  • My journal and a pen: Gotta write down those intentions!
  • Some incense: I chose sandalwood because it’s grounding and helps me focus.

The Ritual

I waited until the eclipse was at its peak in my area. I found a quiet spot outside where I could see the sky (with my eclipse glasses on, of course – safety first!). I lit the candle and the incense, held the citrine in my hand, and just breathed for a few minutes. I tried to clear my mind and connect with the energy of the eclipse. It felt… intense, to say the least.

Solar Eclipse Witchcraft: Easy Rituals for Manifestation

Then, I opened my journal and started writing. I didn’t censor myself; I just let whatever came to mind flow onto the page. I wrote about my frustrations with my writing, my fears, my hopes, and my dreams. I visualized the creative energy flowing through me, breaking down those blocks like a river bursting through a dam.

I ended by writing a clear intention: “I am open to receiving the creative energy of the universe. My words flow freely and powerfully. I am a vessel for inspiration and imagination.” I read it aloud three times, feeling the words resonate within me.

The Aftermath

After the eclipse, I sat quietly for a while, just soaking it all in. I felt… lighter, somehow. Like a weight had been lifted. I blew out the candle and thanked the universe (and the eclipse!) for its energy.

Solar Eclipse Witchcraft: Easy Rituals for Manifestation

Did it work? Well, it’s only been a few days, but I can honestly say I feel a shift. I’ve been writing more easily, and the ideas seem to be coming more readily. I even had a breakthrough on a project I’d been stuck on for months! It’s not a magic bullet, of course, but it definitely feels like the eclipse helped kickstart something within me. I’m excited to see what unfolds in the coming weeks.