Okay, so yesterday was the solar eclipse, and I decided to try some “solar eclipse witchcraft.” I’ve always been curious about this kind of stuff, so I figured, why not? It felt like the perfect time to do something different.
Getting Ready
First, I gathered some things I thought I’d need. I grabbed a few candles – some white ones for cleansing and a yellow one to represent the sun. I also found a small bowl of water and some salt. I already had some crystals lying around, so I picked out a clear quartz and a citrine. I wanted to make sure I had a quiet space, so I went out to my backyard, which is pretty private.
The Setup
Once the eclipse started, I set up my little “altar.” I put the candles in a safe spot, and I placed the bowl of water and salt nearby. I held the crystals in my hands and just tried to focus on the energy of the eclipse. I’m not gonna lie; it felt a little weird at first, but I just went with it.
My Little Ritual
I lit the candles, I started by visualizing all the things I wanted to let go of. Kind of like a mental spring cleaning. Then, I dipped my fingers in the water and salt and sprinkled it around me, imagining it was creating a protective circle. I just closed my eyes.

- I Focused to release.
- I Focued some intentions for new beginnings.
After that, I spent some time just meditating and trying to connect with the energy of the eclipse.I don’t know, it felt powerful, and it was pretty awesome to witness.
Wrapping Up
When the eclipse was over, I thanked the universe, or whatever’s out there, for the experience. I blew out the candles and put everything away. Honestly, the whole thing felt really calming and grounding. Whether it was “real” witchcraft or not, I don’t really know, but it definitely felt like a positive experience. I felt a sense of peace and a renewed sense of direction, like I had cleared out some mental clutter and was ready to start fresh.
It’s like my frist time, maybe I will try it again sometime. It’s kind of cool to have these little rituals, even if it’s just for myself.