This article shares a beginner’s experience with simple witchcraft-inspired rituals. Using a beach rock as a focus object, the author practiced visualization exercises to imagine it glowing and radiating energy. While no magical results occurred, the process brought a sense of calm and centeredness. The author also tried sending good vibes to a friend through visualization. A lighthearted and relaxing introduction to witchcraft for anyone curious about its calming and intentional practices.
This article shares a beginner’s journey into exploring witchcraft through dreams. Using basic supplies like candles, kitchen herbs, and a notebook, the author performed a simple ritual to invite witchy vibes. After initial uneventful nights, they experienced a vivid dream of a magical forest with glowing mushrooms and talking animals. While not a full-blown transformation, the experience opened the door to curiosity and self-discovery. A lighthearted and relatable guide for anyone intrigued by the idea of dreaming of witchcraft.
This article explores whether witchcraft exists through a beginner’s simple experiment. Using a white candle, paper, and cinnamon, the author performed an attraction spell to invite positive energy. While no dramatic results occurred, the process brought a noticeable shift in mindset, fostering optimism and openness to small joys. Whether due to the placebo effect or the act of setting intentions, the experiment highlighted the power of focusing on positivity. A lighthearted and thought-provoking introduction to witchcraft for skeptics and the curious alike.
This article shares a beginner’s experiment with a simple witchcraft candle spell for attracting good luck. Using a green candle carved with a four-leaf clover, the author lit the candle and focused on their intention. While no dramatic results occurred, the process brought a sense of positivity and hope, possibly due to the placebo effect or the calming act of focusing on a flame. A lighthearted exploration of whether witchcraft can work, emphasizing the power of intention.
This article shares a beginner’s exploration of different types of witchcraft, including green, kitchen, and divination practices. The author describes growing a magical herb garden with rosemary, basil, mint, and lavender, infusing tea with intention, and trying a simple tarot reading. While ceremonial magic remains on the horizon, the journey has been about mindfulness, connection, and bringing magic into everyday life. A practical and grounding introduction to witchcraft for curious beginners.
This article shares a personal journey into Dianic Witchcraft, a feminist spiritual practice focused on honoring the divine feminine. The author describes initial struggles with rituals, such as connecting with Artemis, and how they gradually found their groove by personalizing practices and embracing imperfection. Daily rituals, like lighting candles and meditating on the Goddess, became a source of empowerment and connection. The journey also included finding community with other Dianic witches, enriching the experience. A heartfelt guide for anyone exploring feminist spirituality.