Crystal Glass Apple Tree With: Add Sparkle to Your Decor!

DIY Crystal Glass Apple Tree: Sparkling Decor Project for Your Home

Okay, guys, let’s dive into my little project today – making a “crystal glass apple tree.” Sounds fancy, huh? It kinda was, but mostly it was just me messing around with stuff I found around the house.

First, I brainstormed a bit. What did I even mean by a “crystal glass apple tree?” I pictured something sparkly, with clear “apples,” and, well, resembling a tree. So, I started gathering materials.

Gathering My Treasures (aka Junk)

  • Clear glass beads: I had a bunch of these leftover from some old craft project. These were going to be my “apples.”
  • Wire: I found some bendy floral wire in my craft box – perfect for shaping branches.
  • A base: I grabbed a small, clear glass candle holder. It was sturdy and had a nice, clean look.
  • Glue: My trusty hot glue gun was ready for action.
  • Pliers: Needed these to help bend and twist the wire.

Then I start from the bottom, Building the Base, First, I flipped the candle holder upside down. I wanted the wider part to be the bottom, to give the “tree” more stability. I didn’t glue anything down yet – just making sure it would work.

Next, Crafting the Branches I started cutting and twisting the floral wire. No real plan here, just making branch-like shapes. I made some longer, some shorter, some twistier than others. I wanted it to look kind of organic, not too perfect.

DIY Crystal Glass Apple Tree: Sparkling Decor Project for Your Home

After that I Attaching the “Apples” This was the fiddly part. I put a tiny dab of hot glue on each glass bead and carefully stuck it onto the ends of the wire branches. I tried to space them out so it looked somewhat like a tree with fruit. Burned my fingers a couple of times – hot glue is no joke!

Next Step,Assembling the Tree

Once the glue on the “apples” was dry, I started arranging the wire branches on the candle holder base. I used more hot glue to stick the base of each branch onto the glass. This took some patience, trying to get them to stand up and look somewhat balanced.

DIY Crystal Glass Apple Tree: Sparkling Decor Project for Your Home

Last,Tweaking and Admiring

I stepped back and looked at my creation. Some branches needed a little bending, some “apples” needed re-gluing. I added a few extra beads here and there to fill in gaps. And… there it was! My crystal glass apple tree.

DIY Crystal Glass Apple Tree: Sparkling Decor Project for Your Home

It’s not perfect, but I think it looks pretty cool! It catches the light nicely, and it’s definitely a unique little decoration. Plus, it was fun to make something out of random stuff I had lying around. Might try a different version next time, maybe with colored beads… who knows! Hope my experience can help you to try on your own DIY project!