Explore Various Types of Witchcraft, Easy Explanations

Explore Different Types of Witchcraft: Green, Kitchen & Hedge Witchcraft

Okay, folks, let’s dive into my little experiment with different types of witchcraft. I’ve always been curious about this stuff, so I figured, why not give it a shot and document the whole thing?

My Foray into Witchcraft

First off, I grabbed a bunch of books and did some serious online digging. I wanted to get a feel for the different paths out there. I mean, there’s, like, a TON of different witchcraft types. It’s kinda overwhelming at first.

I started by making a list of the ones that seemed the most interesting to me:

  • Green Witchcraft (nature-based)
  • Kitchen Witchcraft (using food and cooking)
  • Hedge Witchcraft (focused on the “between” spaces)
  • Crystal healing and spell (simple using Crystal)

I decided to start simple. I didn’t want to go full-on ritual magic right away. So, I focused on the Green and Kitchen Witchcraft aspects first, since they felt the most approachable.

Explore Different Types of Witchcraft: Green, Kitchen & Hedge Witchcraft

Green Witchcraft Experiments

For the Green Witchcraft part, I started by just spending more time in nature. I live near a park, so I began taking daily walks, really paying attention to the plants and trees. I even tried to identify some of them using a plant ID app – it’s harder than it looks!

I also picked up a few herbs from a local shop – rosemary, lavender, and mint. I read up on their supposed properties (like, rosemary for remembrance and clarity) and started incorporating them into my daily life. I put a sprig of rosemary on my desk, added lavender to my bath, and made mint tea.

I also tried Crystal,I bought difference kinds of Crystal and put them in my bedroom.

Explore Different Types of Witchcraft: Green, Kitchen & Hedge Witchcraft

Kitchen Witchcraft Adventures

The Kitchen Witchcraft part was super fun. I already love to cook, so this felt natural. I started by looking at recipes with intention. Instead of just throwing things together, I thought about the ingredients and what they represented.

For example, I made a simple tomato soup, focusing on tomatoes for love and protection, and basil for happiness and prosperity. I stirred the soup clockwise while visualizing those intentions. It sounds kinda silly, but it actually made the cooking process feel more meaningful.

I also baked some bread, adding cinnamon for success and honey for sweetness and joy. As I kneaded the dough, I focused on those intentions, imagining them infusing the bread.

Explore Different Types of Witchcraft: Green, Kitchen & Hedge Witchcraft

Hedge Witchcraft Dabbling

The Hedge Witchcraft was the trickiest. It’s all about liminal spaces and connecting with the “other side.” I’m not sure I fully grasped it, to be honest.

I tried meditating at dusk, which is considered a liminal time (between day and night). I sat in my backyard, trying to clear my mind and be open to… well, anything. I can’t say I experienced anything profound, but it was definitely relaxing.

Overall Results (So Far!)

Honestly, it’s hard to say if any of this “worked” in a tangible way. I didn’t suddenly gain magical powers or anything. But, I did feel more connected to nature and more mindful in my daily life. The Kitchen Witchcraft stuff, in particular, made cooking feel more special and enjoyable.

Explore Different Types of Witchcraft: Green, Kitchen & Hedge Witchcraft

I think the biggest takeaway for me was the importance of intention. Whether it’s stirring a pot of soup or planting a seed, doing things with purpose makes a difference. It’s something I’m going to continue to explore, even if I never become a full-fledged witch.

This is just the begining. I will keep trying and record more. Maybe one day I will become a real witch, who knows?

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