Alright, so I wanted to mess around with the lyrics of “Witchcraft”. You know, that classic song? I had this idea to maybe use them for a project, or maybe just to have them handy for karaoke night. Whatever, I just wanted the words, plain and simple.
First, I fired up my trusty old browser. Nothing fancy, just the usual one I always use. I typed in “witchcraft lyrics” into the search bar. I mean, it’s not rocket science, right?
Boom! Tons of results popped up. Like, a million different websites all claiming to have the lyrics. I clicked on the first one that looked legit – you know, not one of those spammy-looking sites with a thousand pop-up ads.
The website loaded, and there they were! The lyrics, all laid out nice and neat. I scrolled through them, just to make sure they looked right. Everything seemed in order, from the opening lines to the very end.
Next, I wanted to save these lyrics. So I highlighted the whole text, from top to bottom. Right-click, copy. Easy peasy.
Then I opened up a new document. I used the Notepad, very basic. I pasted the lyrics into the doc. Right-click, paste. Bam! The words were right there, staring back at me.
Finally, I saved the file. I named it something super original, like “Witchcraft *”. I know, I’m a genius. I saved it to my desktop, so I wouldn’t lose it.

So that, it all worked out.I got the lyrics, saved them, and now I can use them for whatever I want. Mission accomplished!