Okay, so I’ve been messing around with witchcraft sigils lately, and I wanted to share my whole process, from start to finish. It’s been a pretty cool ride, so buckle up!
Getting Started: Figuring Out My Intention
First things first, I needed to get super clear on what I wanted to achieve. You can’t just throw a sigil together all willy-nilly and expect magic to happen. You gotta have a solid intention. So, I spent some time journaling and meditating, really digging deep to figure out what I wanted to manifest. This time, I decided I wanted to boost my creativity for a new project I’m working on.
Crafting the Sigil: From Words to Symbols
Once I had my intention nailed down (“I am overflowing with creative energy”), I started playing with the words. Here’s how I did it:
- I wrote out my intention: “I AM OVERFLOWING WITH CREATIVE ENERGY.”
- Then, I crossed out all the vowels (A, E, I, O, U).
- Next, I removed any repeating letters.
- This left me with: “M V R F L W N G W T H C R T V N R G Y”.
It looks like a jumbled mess, right? That’s where the fun begins! I started sketching, combining these letters into a single symbol. I drew, erased, and redrew a bunch of times, letting my intuition guide me. It’s kinda like doodling, but with purpose. There’s no right or wrong way to do this, just let the letters flow together until you feel like it “clicks.”

Charging the Sigil: Giving it Power
After I had a design I liked, it was time to “charge” it. Think of it like giving the sigil a battery boost. I chose to charge mine using visualization. I held the sigil in my hands, closed my eyes, and imagined bright, vibrant energy flowing into it. I visualized myself buzzing with creative ideas, easily overcoming any blocks, and feeling super inspired. I kept doing this until I felt a shift in the energy, like the sigil was “alive.”
Activating and Letting Go: Putting it to Work
The final step was activating the sigil. Some people like to burn their sigils, others bury them, some keep it visual. I will keep it on my desk.
I placed the sigil I created at the table next to my work station.I looked at it, remembered my intention, and then… I let it go. The key here is to not obsess over it. Trust that the sigil is doing its thing, and focus on taking action towards your goal. The magic works best when you’re not constantly checking to see if it’s “working.”

So, that’s my whole process! It’s been a really interesting experiment, and I’m definitely seeing some positive shifts in my creative flow. If you’re curious about sigils, I totally recommend giving it a try. Just remember to be clear with your intention, let your intuition guide you, and have fun with it!