Okay, so I’ve been messing around with this whole Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry thing, and let me tell you, it’s been a bit of a journey. I wanted to create something, you know, inspired by it, but obviously not, like, copy anything directly. More like a fun little project for myself.
First, I spent some time just reading up on Ilvermorny. Not just the Pottermore stuff, but also digging around on fan sites and forums. I wanted to get a good feel for the vibe, the houses, the history – all that good stuff. It was like prepping for a really nerdy test, haha.
Then, I started brainstorming. What did I actually want to do? Build a website? Write some fan fiction? Make a quiz? I bounced a few ideas around in my head, and even scribbled some notes down on paper. Old school, I know.
I eventually decided to try and create a sort of interactive “sorting” experience. Nothing fancy, just something fun and simple. I figured I could use some basic HTML and CSS, maybe a little JavaScript if I was feeling adventurous. (Spoiler: I was not feeling that adventurous.)

My Little Project
- I started by sketching out a basic layout on paper. Where would the questions go? How would the results be displayed? Basic stuff like that.
- I looked my old note and found some simple code and started to write my code to realize it.
- Then I spent, like, hours tweaking the colors and fonts. I wanted it to look kinda magical, but not too over-the-top. I ended up using some dark blues and purples, with a bit of gold for accents.
- The hardest part was probably coming up with the questions. I didn’t want them to be too obvious, like “What’s your favorite color?” I tried to make them a bit more about personality and values, but still related to the Ilvermorny houses.
- After questions ready, I wrote it to my code.
- Finally, I tested the whole thing out. A bunch of times. I made a few tweaks here and there, fixed some bugs, and eventually got it to a point where I was pretty happy with it.
It’s definitely not perfect, and it’s not going to win any awards, but it was a fun little project. It helped me learn a bit more about Ilvermorny, and I got to flex my (very rusty) coding muscles. Maybe I’ll even share it with some friends later. Or not. We’ll see. I feel a little bit great!