Learn How to Do Witchcraft: A Simple Guide to Getting Started Today

How to Do Witchcraft: Simple Beginner’s Guide for Good Luck

Okay, so I wanted to try this whole “witchcraft” thing. I’ve seen it all over the internet, and it looked kinda cool, so I figured, why not give it a shot? Here’s how it went down.

Getting Started

First, I needed to figure out what I actually wanted to do. Witchcraft is a pretty broad term, you know? I decided to start simple. No crazy rituals or anything, just a basic spell for good luck. Seemed harmless enough.

I spent some time, like, a lot of time, browsing online. There’s a TON of information out there, and honestly, a lot of it is confusing. I finally found a few websites that seemed… reasonable. They had some simple spells, and they didn’t sound too far-fetched.

Gathering My Supplies (Or, Stuff From Around the House)

The spell I chose called for a few things:

How to Do Witchcraft: Simple Beginner’s Guide for Good Luck
  • A green candle (because green apparently means luck or prosperity or something)
  • Some cinnamon (because it smells good, and apparently, it’s also lucky?)
  • A piece of paper and a pen
  • A small dish or bowl

I already had most of this stuff. I had to buy the green candle. I also had some cinnamon sticks, I found a random piece of paper, grabbed a pen, and used a small bowl I normally use for snacks.

The “Ritual” (aka, Doing the Thing)

So, the instructions I found said to do this at night, under the moonlight if possible. It was cloudy, so no moonlight for me. I just did it in my room with the lights dimmed.

I lit the candle, trying not to set anything on fire. Then, I took the piece of paper and wrote down what I wanted – just some general good luck for the week. Nothing specific, I just wanted things to go my way a little more.

How to Do Witchcraft: Simple Beginner’s Guide for Good Luck

Next, I lightly sprinkled some of the ground cinnamon onto the paper. I tried to fold the paper then, but the action made the cinnamon all over the place.

I carefully placed the paper in the bowl. Then, and this felt a little silly, I held my hands over the bowl and focused on my intention – good luck, good vibes, all that stuff.

I let the candle burn for a little while, just watching it and thinking about my intention. Then I carefully blew it out. I left the bowl with the paper and cinnamon on my desk overnight.

How to Do Witchcraft: Simple Beginner’s Guide for Good Luck

The Aftermath (Did It Work?)

Honestly? I don’t know. The next day felt pretty normal. Nothing extraordinary happened, but I didn’t have any bad luck either, so maybe it worked? Or maybe it was just a regular day. It’s hard to say.

The whole experience was…interesting. It felt a little weird at first, but it was also kind of relaxing. It was like a little meditation session, focusing on what I wanted. Would I do it again? Maybe. It was kind of fun, and even if it doesn’t actually do anything, it’s a nice way to spend a few minutes focusing on positive thoughts.