The Witch in Hansel and Gretel: Explore Real Witchcraft for children.

Exploring Hansel and Gretel Witchcraft: A Spooky Fairy Tale Ritual

Okay, so I saw this “Hansel and Gretel Witchcraft” thing trending, and I was like, “What the heck, I’ll bite.” I’m always up for trying weird stuff, especially if it involves a bit of spooky folklore.

First, I gathered my supplies. I didn’t go full-on witch, but I wanted to set the mood. I got:

  • Some candles – dark purple ones, because, you know, witchy.
  • Incense – something woodsy, like pine, to feel like I was in a forest.
  • A little bowl of candy, because, duh, Hansel and Gretel.
  • A printout of the story. I figured I should at least know what I was getting myself into.

I set up my little “altar” – which was really just my coffee table. I lit the candles and incense, put the candy in the bowl, and laid out the story.

The Ritual (Sort Of)

Honestly, I didn’t really know what to do. I’m not a witch, I just play one on the internet sometimes. So, I started by reading the story aloud. I figured that was a good starting point. I tried to do it dramatically, like I was telling a spooky story around a campfire.

Exploring Hansel and Gretel Witchcraft: A Spooky Fairy Tale Ritual

Then, I kind of just… meditated on it. I closed my eyes, smelled the incense, and thought about the story. I thought about the kids, lost and scared. I thought about the witch, creepy and tempting. I thought about the woods, dark and mysterious. I’m not going to lie. Feeling a little bit weired.

After a while, I ate some of the candy. I mean, it was there, right? I figured it was part of the experience. It was just regular candy, though. Nothing magical happened. Surprise, surprise.

My Takeaway

Okay, so, did I become a witch? No. Did I contact any spirits? Nope. Did I have a fun, slightly silly evening playing pretend? Absolutely. I found this a very interesting experience. It helped me get in touch with my imagination, and to think about the power of stories, even scary ones.

Exploring Hansel and Gretel Witchcraft: A Spooky Fairy Tale Ritual

I might do it again sometime, maybe with a different fairy tale. It’s a fun way to spice up a boring evening, and who knows, maybe one day I’ll actually learn some real magic. Wish me luck.