Best Books on Wizardry and Witchcraft: Find Your Magical Path Now

Best Books on Wizardry & Witchcraft: Start Your Magical Journey

Okay, so today I decided to dive into the whole “wizardry and witchcraft” thing. It sounds kinda cool, and mysterious, right? Let’s see what happened.

First Steps into the Unknown

I started by, you know, just Googling it. “Wizardry,” “witchcraft,” what’s the difference? It’s a whole rabbit hole, I tell ya. Lots of different traditions, beliefs, and, uh, spells, I guess. I wasn’t really sure where to begin, to be honest.

Picking a Path (Sort Of)

I found some stuff about Wicca, which seemed kinda nature-y and peaceful. Then there were all these other things, like ceremonial magic, chaos magic… my head was spinning. I figured I’d just start with something simple. I mean, I’m not trying to summon a demon or anything… yet.

Gathering My “Tools”

So, I read that you need, like, tools and stuff. Candles, crystals, herbs… I didn’t have any of that fancy stuff. I raided my kitchen and found some old birthday candles, a pretty rock from my garden, and some dried basil. Good enough, right? Don’t judge my beginner setup!

Best Books on Wizardry & Witchcraft: Start Your Magical Journey

The “Ritual” (It Was More Like an Experiment)

I found a simple “intention setting” spell online. Basically, you light a candle, focus on what you want, and say some words. I picked the birthday candle (white, for purity, or something like that), held my rock, and sprinkled some basil around because why not? I felt a little silly, not gonna lie. I mumbled some words about wanting more focus in my life, which, let’s be real, I desperately need.

  • Candle: Old birthday candle (white)
  • Crystal: Pretty rock from garden
  • Herbs: Dried basil from kitchen
  • Intention: More focus in my life

The Results (So Far)

Did anything magical happen? Not really. Did I feel a little more relaxed and centered afterward? Maybe. It could just be the placebo effect, but hey, I’ll take it. It was kind of a fun little experiment, even if I felt like a total dork doing it.

What’s Next?

I might try some other simple spells, maybe something for good luck or creativity. I’m definitely not going to go full-on Harry Potter anytime soon, but it’s interesting to explore this stuff. Who knows, maybe I’ll discover my inner witch or wizard. Or maybe I’ll just stick to my day job. We’ll see!

Best Books on Wizardry & Witchcraft: Start Your Magical Journey