Best Tree Crystal: The Ultimate Guide for Choosing.

DIY Tree Crystals: A Fun Guide to Creating Sparkling Crystal Trees

Okay, so the other day I got this crazy idea to try and grow my own “tree crystals.” I’d seen some cool pictures online and thought, “Why not give it a shot?” I mean, how hard could it be, right?

First things first, I needed to gather my supplies. I did a quick search and found a basic recipe. Seems like all I really needed was some Borax, hot water, and some pipe cleaners. I already had some pipe cleaners lying around from some old craft project, so I made a quick trip to the store to get Borax.

The Mixing

Getting Started:

  • I Boiled some water, and I mean really boiled it – gotta make sure it’s super hot for the Borax to dissolve properly.
  • I poured the hot water into a glass jar, I grabbed an old mason jar, and filled it, around a cup and a half.
  • Then came the Borax, added the Borax to the hot water, I started with about three tablespoons per cup of water, and kept adding more and stirring, until I can’t dissolve it anymore.

Shaping the “Tree”

While the water was cooling just a bit, I took my pipe cleaners and twisted them into a tree-like shape. I just kind of went for it, making a simple trunk and some branches. Nothing fancy, just a basic tree form.

DIY Tree Crystals: A Fun Guide to Creating Sparkling Crystal Trees

The Waiting Game

The magic

  • I carefully lowered the pipe cleaner tree into the Borax solution, making sure it was fully submerged, hung it from a pencil laid across the jar’s mouth.
  • Now came the hard part: waiting. I put the jar in a safe spot where it wouldn’t be disturbed and where I can take a peek everyday.
  • I think, for the best crystal growth, gotta let it sit for at least 24 hours, maybe even longer. Patience is a virtue, they say, but I’m not known for my patience.

The Result

After what felt like forever (okay, it was about 24-48 hours), I checked on my “tree.” And… wow! The pipe cleaners were covered in these cool, sparkly crystals! It really did look like a miniature crystal tree. It was a bit fragile, so I handled it carefully. I lifted it out of the solution and let it dry completely.

It was a bit smaller than I expected. But hey, it’s my first try, and I’m pretty stoked with how it turned out! I’m already thinking about experimenting with different colors and shapes next time. Maybe a crystal forest is in my future? Who knows! Just gotta stock up on Borax first.

DIY Tree Crystals: A Fun Guide to Creating Sparkling Crystal Trees